Board of the Freedom and Democracy Foundation
Zofia Romaszewska – cooperated with Worker’s Defence Committee (KOR), later Committee for Social Self-Defence KOR; from 1977, with her husband, she has been a director of the Intervention Office of Worker’s Defence Committee and later Committee for Social Self-Defence KOR that recorded cases of breach of human rights. In the early “Solidarity” she has directed the actions of Intervention Committee of MKZ (City Committee of Founders), later of the Mazovian Region. She co-created the first underground radio station “Solidarity” and was sentenced with three years of imprisonment in the trial of the radio station. From 1989 to 1995 she was the director of the Intervention Office of the Chancellery of the Senate. From 1991 to 1993 she was member of the State Tribunal. In 2006 she has been awarded with the Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
Łukasz Abgarowicz – active participant of the academic students’ protests in 1968, former activist of the Independent Self-governing Labour Union “Solidarity” (NSZZ Solidarność) (member of the Board of the Mazovian Region). In the years of Martial law in Poland he was engaged in the underground activity. As a member of the Citizens’ Committee he co-organized parliamentary election in 1989 and self-government election in 1990. He was MP for the Sejm of the Republic of Poland for the 4th and 5th term, vice-president of the Senate Committee of Emigration and Connection with Poles Abroad. He regularly visits Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine in order to monitor the needs of the Polish communities and organizes help for them.
Rafał Dzięciołowski – historian, political scientist, journalist. In the ‘80s he was a member of the Independent Students’ Union, Federation of Fighting Youth; he distributed underground publications. He is one of the founders of the Republic League. He was in the Board of the Foundation „Aid to the Poles in the East”. He is interested in the transformation process in Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries. He cooperated with the makers of movies about the plane crash in Smoleńsk 10.04.10, Anatomy of the Fall, Anatomy of the fall 2. He is a co-author of the album Palaces and manor houses of the Eastern borderlands.
Adam Lipiński – opposition activist before August 1980, organized Students’ Solidarity Committee, spokesperson of the Committee for Social Self-Defence KOR in Legnica. Director of the publishing house of the Independent Self-governing Labour Union “Solidarity” in the region of Lower Silesia. In the time of the Martial law in Poland he was hiding and acting in conspiration until 1989; he was a director of polygraphy in Wroclaw, he founded Social Movement Solidarity, he edited underground publications. He was an MP of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th term. He is the Chair of the Sejm Committee of Connection with Poles Abroad.
Tadeusz Płużański – journalist, historian and publicist. He specializes in after WWII history of Poland. He cooperates with the World Association of Home Army Soldiers. He publishes in „Biuletyn Informacyjny” ŚZŻAK, “Najwyższy Czas!”, “Nasza Polska”, “Uważam Rze”, “W sieci”, „Do Rzeczy”, „Tygodnik Solidarność”, „Gazeta Polska Codziennie” and „Gazeta Polska”. He is the director of the opinion journalism in TVP Info. In late 2013 he became president of the “Łączka” (Meadow) Foundation that takes care of the Quarter in the Meadow. In 2016 he was awarded with the Knights’ Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for remarkable actions for preservation of remembrance of the latest history of Poland.
Managing Board of the Freedom and Democracy Foundation
Robert Czyżewski – historian, high school teacher in Warsaw. For several years he has been organizing youth exchange programmes with schools from Ukraine; he organizes conferences and exhibitions about Polish-Ukrainian history. From 1993 to 2000 the was an active participant of the Republican League. In 2013 he had a historic column in “Kurier Kresowy” (Borderlands Currier) in the TV Polonia television.
Lila Luboniewicz – specialist on the education in Ukraine, graduated from Polish philology and the faculty of law with the specialization in the international law; from 2000 to 2005 she was the director of the Saturday-Sunday School in Sambor, she coordinated many educational projects realized in Ukraine from 2009 to 2013; from 2014 to 2015 she coordinated project “White and Red ABC”.
Radosław Poraj-Różecki – historian, documentalist, independent film producer. In the late 1980s he cooperated with the Eastern Archives. In the ‘90s he was a member of the statutory bodies (revision committee, board) of the Guard of the Polish Graves (the objective of this organization is to commemorate the graves of the Poles murdered in the Eastern borderlands) and the “Polish Community” Organisation Lower Silesia Division. He co-organises the Independent Belarussian Culture Festival in Wroclaw. Currently he is the member of the programme board of TVP Polonia.