Pol + Mashreq Conference

Pol + Mashreq Conference – a public task executed by the Foundation for Freedom and Democracy, co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland as part of “Self-governance and Civic Dimension of the Polish Foreign Diplomacy 2017 “ Public Diplomacy Competition – will take place on the 21st and 22nd of October 2017 in the Central Archives of the Historical Records, Długa 7 str., Warsaw, Poland.

The goal of this geostrategic conference is to deepen its participants’ knowledge of the historical and contemporary Polish-Egyptian relations, and of joint undertakings for the preservation of world heritage. Moreover, the aim of Pol + Mashreq Conference is to boost the understanding of Egypt’s geostrategic conditionings, which form a unique environment for the Polish foreign policy, the bilateral economic growth and the Polish-Egyptian diplomacy. Owing to the 80th anniversary of the first Polish archeological excavations in Edfu (Egypt) and the 60th anniversary of the Polish Center of Mediterranean Archeology’s establishment, the first edition of the conference will be realized in the name of professor Kazimierz Michałowski – the founding father of Polish Mediterranean archeology.         

Structure of the Conference:

Saturday, 21st of October 

I ‘’Professor Kazimierz Michalowski and the Polish-Egyptian Relations on the Turn of the XIXth and XXth’’ – a history-oriented block.

  • Stefan Jakobielski: Life and heritage of professor Kazimierz Michałowski – a disciple’s testimony.
  • Karol Myśliwiec: The Polish Center of Mediterranean Archeology – professor Kazimierz Michałowski’s opus magnum.
  • Dominik Szczęsny-Kostanecki: “Us with Napoleon… in Egypt. Sułkowski, Zajączek and other Poles at the banks of Nile in 1798-1801”
  • dr Antoni Przemysław Kosowski: Forming of the 1927-1945 Polish-Egyptian Relations – Scholar’s Remarks.

Lecture time per speaker: 20 minutes max.

Impromptu QA: 5 minutes.

Panel discussion: 40 minutes.

II ‘’The Polish-Egyptian Relations: Challenges of the Present’’ – a geostrategic block. 

Lecture time per speaker: 20 minutes max.

Impromptu QA: 5 minutes.

Panel discussion: 40 minutes.

Sunday, 22nd of October

III  ‘’The Future of Cottage Cheese and Polyethylene’s Relationship – Prospects of Polish-Egyptian Economic Relations” – an economy-oriented block. 

  • Analysis of the ongoing Polish-Egyptian economic relations and the prospect of their development. – students of the Warsaw School of Economics and young, promising entrepreneurs, representatives of Spark Ventures.



WSE Team:

  • Magdalena Kondas
  • Janusz Antoni Wiszniowski
  • – – –

Spark Ventures Team:

  • – – –

Analysis time per team: 20 minutes.

Panel discussion: 40 minutes.

We encourage sending conference papers to the following address so that they can be put into consideration by the organizers: [email protected]. The Foundation will reimburse travel, accommodation and alimentation costs to speakers arriving from abroad.


Shortly, a dedicated website will be hosted for the publication of post-conference materials including booklet compilation of given lectures and analyses.


In order to inquire about further details or if you wish to participate in the event, we encourage you to contact the project manager – Mr. Maciej Maria Jastrzębski.

[email protected]

+48 22 628 85 05 – Foundation landline number.

+48 605 225 604 – the project manager’s number.

Project manager: Maciej Maria Jastrzębski

Regulations of “Pol + Mashreq Conference”

The public task is cofinanced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland as part of “Self-governance and Civic Dimension of the Polish Foreign Policy 2017 “ Public Diplomacy competition.